How To Clean Dental Implants?

How To Clean Dental Implants

Hey there, fellow smile enthusiast! If you’re one of the millions of people who’ve been blessed with dental implants, you already know how life-changing they can be.

Dental implants can give you the confidence to flash that dazzling smile, enjoy your favorite foods, and speak without hesitation. But to keep that million-dollar grin looking and feeling its best, you need to know how to clean dental implants properly.

Don’t worry! it’s easier than you might think. In this guide, I’ll walk you through the steps to maintain your dental implants and keep them sparkling.

Why Cleaning Dental Implants Is Important?

Maintaining proper oral hygiene around your dental implants is crucial for several reasons:

Bacteria and plaque can accumulate around implants, leading to infections like peri-implantitis, which can damage the bone supporting your implant.

A well-maintained implant can last a lifetime. Regular cleaning helps extend the life of your dental implant.

Keeping your dental implants clean ensures they look natural and blend seamlessly with your other teeth.

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Essential Tools for Cleaning Dental Implants

  1. Soft-bristle toothbrush ➔ Use a toothbrush with soft bristles to avoid scratching the implant or causing irritation to your gums.
  2. Non-abrasive toothpaste ➔ Choose a toothpaste that’s not abrasive, as abrasive toothpaste can damage the implant’s surface.
  3. Dental floss or interdental brushes ➔ These are crucial for cleaning between the implants and around the gumline.
  4. Antibacterial mouthwash ➔ An antimicrobial mouthwash helps kill bacteria and maintain oral hygiene.
  5. Water Flosser (Optional) ➔ A water flosser can be handy for removing debris around implants.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Dental Implants

Let’s break down the cleaning process into daily, weekly, and monthly routines:

Daily Cleaning Routine

Brush Gently Use your soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth and implants gently, just like you would with natural teeth. Angle the brush towards the gumline and use circular motions.

Floss Carefully ➔ Carefully floss between your teeth and around the implants. Be gentle to avoid injuring your gums.

Rinse with Mouthwash Rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash to reduce bacteria. Swish it around your mouth for 30 seconds, then spit it out.

Weekly Cleaning Routine

Tongue Cleaning Don’t forget to clean your tongue, which can harbor bacteria. You can use your toothbrush or a tongue scraper for this.

Check for Plaque Look for any plaque buildup around your dental implants. If you notice any, use a low-abrasive toothpaste on a soft brush or a specialized implant brush to gently remove it.

Water Flosser (Optional) If you have a water flosser, use it weekly to clean hard-to-reach areas around your implants.

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Monthly Cleaning Routine

Professional Checkup Visit your dentist for a professional checkup and cleaning. They will assess the health of your dental implants and provide a thorough cleaning.

X-rays Periodic X-rays help your dentist monitor the condition of the bone around your implants.

How to clean dental implants with overdentures?

In addition to your dental implants, you will need to clean your overdentures.

Remove your overdentures from your mouth and brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to clean them.

Make sure to clean all of the overdentures’ surfaces, including the top, bottom, and sides.

What is the white stuff around my dental implants?

The white stuff around your dental implants is a buildup of plaque and tartar.

Plaque is a sticky film that forms on your teeth and gums, and tartar is hardened plaque. Both plaque and tartar can cause problems for your dental implants, including gum disease and implant failure.

What dissolves plaque on dental implants?

To dissolve plaque on dental implants, you can use a simple and effective method: a mixture of baking soda and water.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Take a small amount of baking soda, about a teaspoon.
  2. Mix it with a little water to make a paste.
  3. Gently brush this paste on your dental implants using a soft toothbrush.
  4. Brush for a minute or two to remove the plaque.

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What is the best toothpaste for cleaning implants?

Here are a few specific toothpastes that are recommended for dental implants:

  1. Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening toothpaste
  2. Colgate Total Professional Clean toothpaste
  3. Crest Pro-Health Advanced toothpaste
  4. Parodontax Complete Protection toothpaste
  5. bluem® fluoride free toothpaste

Do dental implants need to be removed for cleaning?

No, dental implants do not need to be removed for cleaning. The implant part fuses with the bone, so you won’t be able to remove it.

Can I use hydrogen peroxide on dental implants?

Yes, dental implants can be cleaned with hydrogen peroxide. It must, however, be used in diluted form. A good starting point is one part hydrogen peroxide to three parts water.

Use a hydrogen peroxide rinse to help remove plaque and bacteria from your implants. Swish the solution for 30 seconds in your mouth before spitting it out. Do not drink the solution.

A hydrogen peroxide soak can also be used to clean your implants. Make a cup of hydrogen peroxide solution and soak your implants in it for 10 minutes to accomplish this. Rinse the implants thoroughly with water before replacing them in your mouth.


How often should I clean my dental implants?

Clean your dental implants at least twice a day, just like your natural teeth.

Can I use regular toothpaste on my dental implants?

Yes, but make sure it’s non-abrasive toothpaste to avoid damaging the implants.

Is flossing important for cleaning dental implants?

Yes, flossing helps remove food particles and plaque between your implants.

What’s the best way to clean between dental implants?

Use dental floss or interdental brushes to clean between your implants gently.

Should I use a water flosser for cleaning dental implants?

It can be helpful; using a water flosser once a week can complement your routine.

Can I use mouthwash for cleaning dental implants?

Yes, an antibacterial mouthwash can help maintain overall oral hygiene.

How do I clean the gumline around my dental implants?

Gently brush the gumline in a circular motion with a soft toothbrush.

What should I avoid eating to protect my dental implants?

Avoid hard foods like ice or nuts, as they can damage your implants.

Can I use an electric toothbrush on dental implants?

Yes, you can use an electric toothbrush with soft bristles for effective cleaning.

Is it okay to drink hot or cold beverages with dental implants?

Yes, dental implants won’t be sensitive to temperature like natural teeth.

Can I get cavities in my dental implants?

No, implants themselves can’t get cavities, but the surrounding teeth can.

Can I use a water pick to clean my dental implants?

Yes, a water pick can be a helpful addition to your cleaning routine.

Final Thoughts

Congratulations! You’ve now learned how to clean your dental implants and keep that radiant smile shining.

Remember, proper oral hygiene is the key to preserving the health and longevity of your implants. Stick to your daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning routines, and don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist if you encounter any issues.

With a little TLC and regular care, your dental implants will continue to be your ticket to a confident, beautiful smile for years to come. So go ahead, show off those pearly whites, and let your smile light up the world!

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Hi there! I'm Edward Miller, and I'm your go-to expert when it comes to Dental Implants. With over 20 years of experience in the field, I've seen it all when it comes to restoring smiles and improving oral health.

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