Why does My Dental Implant Hurt When I Chew?

Why does My Dental Implant Hurt When I Chew

Hey there! If you’ve ever wondered why your dental implant gives you a hard time when you’re trying to enjoy your favorite meal, you’re not alone.

It’s a question many people have, and we’re here to help you understand what might be causing that discomfort.

In this blog post, we’ll look at the most common causes of dental implant pain and what you can do about it. We’ll also give you some pointers on how to avoid dental implant pain in the first place.

Symptoms of dental implant pain when chewing

  • Swelling around the implant ➜ If the gums around the implant are swollen, it could be a sign of infection.
  • Bleeding around the implant ➜ Bleeding from the gums around the implant is another sign of infection.
  • Pus around the implant  If there is pus around the implant, it means that there is an infection.
  • Loose implant ➜ If the implant feels loose, it could be a sign of bone loss.

Causes of dental implant pain when chewing

Causes of dental implant pain when chewing

1. Initial Post-Implant Pain

It’s normal to experience some level of pain or discomfort after getting a dental implant. This pain typically occurs in the days immediately following the surgery and is often described as a dull ache or soreness.

2. Healing and Integration

Your body needs time to heal and integrate the dental implant into your jawbone. The process of osseointegration, where the bone fuses with the implant, can take several months. During this time, you might experience some pain or sensitivity when you chew because the implant isn’t fully stabilized yet.

3. Infection

In some cases, infection can develop around the implant site. This can lead to pain, swelling, and tenderness. If you suspect an infection, it’s crucial to contact your dentist immediately. They will likely prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection.

4. Overloading the Implant

One common reason for pain during chewing is putting too much pressure on the implant before it’s fully healed. It’s essential to follow your dentist’s instructions regarding diet and oral care during the recovery period. Eating hard or crunchy foods can damage the implant or the surrounding tissues.

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5. Misaligned Bite

Sometimes, the pain isn’t directly related to the implant itself but is due to a misaligned bite. If your new tooth doesn’t meet your other teeth correctly, it can lead to discomfort and pain when you chew. In such cases, a simple adjustment by your dentist can often resolve the issue.

6. Nerve Damage

In rare cases, damage to nearby nerves during the implant procedure can cause pain during chewing. This can lead to a condition called neuropathy. If you suspect nerve damage, it’s essential to discuss this with your dentist so they can assess and address the issue.

7. Sinus Issues

For dental implants in the upper jaw, it’s possible to have sinus complications, especially if the implant is too close to the sinus cavity. This can lead to pain when you chew, as the pressure on the implant affects the sinus.

8. Gum Recession

If your gum tissue starts to recede around the implant site, the sensitive root of the implant may become exposed. This can cause discomfort and pain when chewing.

9. Allergies

In rare instances, individuals may experience allergic reactions to the materials used in the implant. If you suspect an allergy, consult your dentist immediately to explore alternative materials or treatment options.

How to prevent dental implant pain when chewing?

How to prevent dental implant pain when chewing

So, now that we’ve explored the potential reasons why your dental implant might hurt when you chew, let’s discuss some steps you can take to prevent the issue:

  1. Maintain Good Oral Hygiene ➜ Proper oral care is essential to prevent gum recession, infection, and other complications. Brush and floss regularly and attend regular dental check-ups.
  2. Medication ➜ If you’re in pain, don’t hesitate to take the prescribed pain medication. It can help manage the discomfort during the healing process.
  3. Consult Your Dentist ➜ If the pain persists or worsens, schedule an appointment with your dentist to discuss your concerns. They can assess the implant and its surroundings to determine the cause of the pain.
  4. Diet Modification ➜ Consider modifying your diet to include softer, less crunchy foods during the healing phase. This can help prevent overloading the implant.
  5. Bite Adjustment ➜ If the pain is due to a misaligned bite, your dentist can make the necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable fit.
  6. Sinus Evaluation ➜ If you have an upper-jaw implant and suspect sinus issues, consult your dentist to assess the implant’s positioning in relation to the sinus cavity.


Why does my tooth implant hurt when I bite down?

Your tooth implant might hurt when you bite down because it’s still healing or something might be wrong.

How long does it take for a dental implant to feel normal?

It can take a few weeks to a few months for a dental implant to start feeling normal.

What not to eat with dental implants?

Avoid hard and sticky stuff like chewing ice or caramel. These can put too much pressure on your dental implant and might cause problems. Stick to softer foods to be safe.

Are implants as strong as real teeth?

Yes, dental implants can be just as strong as real teeth. They’re pretty tough and can handle most chewing and biting like your natural teeth.

What helps with dental implant pain?

You can ease dental implant pain by taking pain medication and keeping your mouth super clean.

Final Thoughts

Dental implant pain when chewing is not unusual, and it can result from various factors, including osseointegration, infection, overloading, or poor implant placement.

Remember that some discomfort is a normal part of the healing process, but if your pain is severe or persistent, it’s essential to consult your dentist.

Proper pain management, excellent oral hygiene, a soft diet, and patience can help you through the discomfort, and most people find that the long-term benefits of dental implants far outweigh any temporary pain.

If you’re considering dental implants or currently have them and are experiencing pain, always reach out to your dentist for guidance and support. Your smile’s health and beauty are worth it, and your dentist is there to help you every step of the way.

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Hi there! I'm Edward Miller, and I'm your go-to expert when it comes to Dental Implants. With over 20 years of experience in the field, I've seen it all when it comes to restoring smiles and improving oral health.

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